Variable speed pressure boosting unit

TISSEL-100 is a system comprising a pump and a water flow inverter with an integrated pressure sensor. It adjusts the motor speed based on water demand, maintaining constant system pressure. The TISSEL-100 is a pumping unit designed for water supply and pressure boosting in residential settings, as well as for irrigation purposes.

Flow rate up to 160 l/min (9.6 m³/h)
Head up to 62 m
Manometric suction head up to 8 m
Liquid temperature between 0 °C and +55 °C
Ambient temperature between -10 °C and +40 °C
Maximum working pressure – 6 bar for 3-4CP
– 7bar for 5CR
– 10 bar for 2CP
Motor 2 poles
Ingress protection rating IP X4

Technical documentation